Friday, January 19, 2007

Back In Time With Da Bears

This morning, I heard the wildest thing as I was in our local Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market. The Bears’ anthem from their 1985 championship season, The Super Bowl Shuffle, was playing on the sound system. I don’t know if the music is controlled in the store, or if there is a Wal-Mart Satellite Radio Mission Control at the compound in Arkansas, but it was a hoot to hear that. We’re a long way from Chicago.

Two words of caution: 1) This is a nearly six-minute video; and 2) The white guys can't dance a lick.

Enjoy this classic 80’s music video....


Zee said...

There is actually a Wal-Mart radio that some stores play. I heard them take requests (not sure how they do that), so that could be it. Too funny that you were hearing it in Tejas.

Zee said...

How come the same thing came out three times?

Anyway, go watch the Super Bowl Mumble ... it's very clever.

John said...

I was trying to post from Youtube, and the posts never would come over to the blog. So, I copied and pasted from there, and it came over. The first two tries finally made it over to the blog, five hours later, but I've now deleted them.

This was a great video. You would never see anything like that these days. It looked like half the team was in it. They found a way to get Walter Payton and Jim McMahon in it, even though they weren't on stage. Mike Singletary didn't dance, and Steve Fuller (#4) shouldn't have danced.

A great video for a great team.

John said...

The Super Bowl Mumble is pure greatness, almost as great as the Super Bowl Shuffle.

I still gotta be for the Saints, but I won't be mad if Da Bears make it to the Super Bowl.

Zee said...

Yeah, I'm for the Saints even though their city and state are unstable. I think it's the players. Between Brees, Deuce, Horn, Bush, and my little WR/TE prize - Colston I want them to do well. I am, also, okay with the Bears winning. Grossman helped me out some (but mostly killed me) and Gould was my man. Last I checked he was the highest FF point scoring K in our league! :)

Zee said...

Four of the top nine point scoring kickers did not have a team. Gould was tops with 155 FF points. I can pick kickers, but that's about it I guess.

Well, I guess I can pick TEs too, but I'm not sure that counts since he played more as a WR. Coloston has the top points even though he missed a bunch of games. Weird to see Gonzales in fourth overall.

That's about it. The rest of my team sucked and now you know why I finished where I did.

John said...

This can also be called the Mike Ditka Bowl.

Ditka coached the Bears to a world championship.

Ditka also coached the Saints, and traded a whole draft's worth of picks for Ricky Williams.