Friday, October 05, 2007

Child Abuse

Parents, don't let your babies grow up to be Longhorns.


Zee said...

How come the only Longhorn or Longhorn fan of color is in a football uniform?

Just curious.

Zee said...

And yes, exposing your child to Matthew McConaughey as a baby or child, is child abuse. At least he had his shirt on for once!

John said...

I thought the toddler in the cheerleading uniform was Asian..

I think Matthew McConaughey and Baby Longhorn are very compatible. They have the same mental capacity.

Zee said...

Okay, I thought she was too, but then I wonder if her parents are asian or not ... I'm just that way.

Still - as many hispanics that live in Texas, Austin, etc. you'd think they'd make an attempt. Funny thing is I usually laugh when some college or church puts out a video, poster, or whatever that has their token people of color. Having said that that Baby Longhorn video seems extremely white.

John said...

Obviously, the marketing budget was not very high for these things, nor was the cultural sensitivity. :-)

They have these videos for several different schools, but Matthew McConaughey is the only celebrity spokesman. LOL Maybe I should just call him Baby Longhorn. :-)