An interesting preview of the upcoming Holiday Bowl between the University of California, Berkeley, and Texas A&M University.

Berkeley is known for war protests and counterculture activity.

A&M is known for the Corps of Cadets, and recently lost its president to the Pentagon, where Robert Gates is the new Secretary of Defense.
A&M has a military-style band made up of Cadets. Cal has a traditional-style band, in contrast to hated archrival Stanford's non-traditional oddball band.
It should be interesting in San Diego.
It should be interesting to see or hear what the skinheads do to the other band. A&M is known for stealing things or doing other things to the opposing bands. I wish we had an insider to tell us.
Remember when the cadets pulled their swords on the SMU people when they tried to run onto Kyle Field? I think it was SMU, it might have been TCU or Tech or someone.
I don't remember that, but it does not surprise me at all. Half of them are probably from the juco right there anyway. ;)
I just remember talking to different band people (mostly TCU, but one friend from the Rice band too) and A&M were the worst. One report was that they stole the drum major's baton.
Now, I have problems with both UT and A&M, but at least UT doesn't have a bunch of skin heads threatening poor band geeks (they just have the whackiness of Matthew McConaughey - which should be enough to scare anyone).
I've heard that the Corps has people marching with their band that don't even play instruments. I don't know if that's true, or not.
Compared to Texas, I like A&M. UT is evil. A&M is not. There are schools I like better, but I don't hate the Ags. If my kids are going to go to a state school, I'd like for them to go to A&M. But stealing batons from drum majors is not cool.
The Corps is cool to watch, but I wouldn't want to be part of it.
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