Nike has thrown some really hideous uniforms out there in the last few years. Perhaps their most infamous unis were worn on only one weekend in 2005.
Both Florida and Virginia Tech wore orange on one shoulder of these home jerseys. These met with such outrage that neither school dared to wear them again. Nike was so embarrassed that they did not dare to try this with any other school.
These are awful. Eye-gouge rating: Two
(note: the VT player being pile-driven by guys from the "U" is no relation to the author of this blog)
This will make another appearance during football season, but this one is so bad, it deserves mention now.
The Philadelphia Eagles are entering their 75th season in 2007. In honor of the occasion, they will, for one game, wear these replicas of their 1933 uniforms. The Eagles will wear them on September 23 against the Detroit Lions.
Jevon Kearse is shown modeling these fine pieces of high fashion. They look like something UCLA would have worn.
More classic video from the folks at CBS and YouTube...
This is the opening of Game 5 of the 1976 NBA World Championship Series, between the Boston Celtics and the Phoenix Suns. The Celtics were heavy favorites, but had lost two games in Phoenix, and were tied 2-2 with the upstart Suns. This game is regarded by many as the greatest game in the history of the league, with the Celtics winning in triple overtime. The Celtics then went out to Phoenix and closed out the Suns in Game 6.
Some things to notice:
1) Young Brent Musburger. 2) Rick Barry. Now better known as Jon and Brent's dad, he was a great player in his own right. On this night, however, he appears on CBS with a toupee, and with this baby blue leisure suit, unbuttoned, with a huge cross hanging around his neck. Classic. 3) CBS had an ex-ref doing commentary, in Mendy Rudolph. Imagine if ABC/ESPN hired say, Joey Crawford, to do commentary. 4) The red checked jackets Mendy Rudolph and Sonny Hill are wearing on camera. Nice.
Not on this clip: the sixth man for the Celtics, none other than Don Nelson.