No series of ugly uniforms is complete without mention of the Oregon Ducks. Their main benefactor, Phil Knight of Nike, uses them as a testing lab for multiple styles and types of uniforms. Knight is a graduate of UO, and donates millions of dollars each year to the school.
The uniforms come in multiple ugly combinations. The worst of the bunch is flourescent yellow. With the green helmet, yellow jersey, and yellow pants, they look like a bottle of dishwashing soap.
You have to take your hats off to them, though. Their ugly uniforms have brought a lot of attention to the school, and many look for their broadcasts and highlights just to see what threads they are wearing that day.
If it walks like a duck, and smells like a duck....
Passing by the game tonight and the Ducks had the green uni on. Just as ugly, btw. What are the cross-hatch marks on the shoulders/sleeves? It looks like the steel they use for floors or walls that have that raised oblong things on them. What is that called? It looks like this (http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/136406/2/istockphoto_136406_steel_grid.jpg).
Or is it supposed to be feathers?
I don't know. Those are butt-ugly, though. And, they had those psychedelic 3-D helmets, too.
I don't know what those marks are. You're right-those look like steel something.
Does Phil Knight know what he is doing with his alma mater?
Phil probably doesn't care when he gets that check from Nike!
Phil is Nike. And, Oregon will wear anything as long as Nike pays for it. :-)
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