The football program at the University of Arkansas finds itself in turmoil. The fans in the Razorback State find themselves in a state of civil war, due to the resignation of offensive coordinator Gus Malzahn, and former high school All-American quarterback Mitch Mustain. I outlined the situation in this post yesterday.
Among the events of the past football season, a series of emails were sent to Mustain during the season. One of these is now circulating on the Internet. This particular email was allegedly written by the physical therapist of Arkansas assistant coach Danny Nutt, brother of head coach Houston Nutt. She sent it to quarterback Mustain at his school email address. This physical therapist is close to the Nutt family, and allegedly also sent it to the wife of Houston Nutt, who then allegedly forwarded the email to family friends. The link is to a scan of the email, with some comments from Mitch's mother at the top.
Notice I continue to use the word allegedly. There is the possibility of legal action as a result of similar emails and other actions during this season at Arkansas. Here is the text of the email sent to Mitch Mustain:
Hello Mr. Interception King:
Are you having a good morning? I’m sure you are since your precious name is in the paper again. Why in the Starkville did you come to Arkansas? I’ve been a Hog fan since birth, and a season ticket holder since 1985, and my parents were before that. Who in the Starkville do you think you are? Do you really think because you just walked onto campus that you need to be the starting QB? Competition scares the crap out of you doesn’t it little boy? This is the SEC for goodness sakes, and by watching you attempting to read defenses in the SEC, it is beyond evident that you were nowhere ready. Your completion to interception ratio was a joke, and you have zero leadership abilities. This isn’t Springdale High School anymore, and you need to take your letter jacket off and realize that. This is the real world. Yes, you did win 8 games as a starter, but you were only starting at that point because Casey Dick was hurt. In winning those 8 games, you need to go back to the film room and see that the main reason those games were won was because of McFadden, Jones, the offensive line, and the play of the defense. You did hand the ball off pretty well. You also need to buy Marcus Monk some lunch for saving you another interception against Auburn since the ball was so underthrown. Every once in a blue moon you would throw a touchdown pass, but usually after 3 interceptions. I’m sure you have the talent to become an outstanding QB on the collegiate level, but I hope that it’s not at Arkansas. You can win the Heisman for all I care, but please not as a Hog. Please transfer. All you’ve been since you walked onto campus is a cancer, and your mother is no exception.
You called Coach Nutt a “dork” in your article. Amazing. You know, I was sitting with a large group of people watching your interview that was aired on Game Day before the Tennessee game, you know, the interview where you had on those glasses that made you look like a fag? I’m sure you remember. Anyhow, everyone in that room started laughing, calling you the dork. Why is it that you came to Arkansas again? Was it so your mommie could be close by to change your diaper, or was it because you thought having your lover Gus on the sideline would make playing in the SEC easier? What a joke! Gus can’t even adjust to the speed of the game in the SEC. Do you think Charlie Weiss at Notre Dame would be putting up with your bull crap? God, do I ever wish you would have gone to Notre Dame. Too bad I’m not Coach Nutt today. If so, I’d be having Tim Cheney sew lace around your jock straps, but that would be after I let you hang out face to face in a private meeting with the offensive and defensive lineman – I think I’d even throw Butu in for the meeting. Did I mention that I want you to transfer? Helen Keller could read defenses in the SEC better than you.
Well, I’ve wasted enough time on you today. I’m sure it’s time for your breast feeding. Did I mention that I want you to transfer. The next time you think you and your girls are bigger than any one program – you better think again. I would love for you to be able to have a lengthy conversation with Chris Simms, former QB with the Texas Longhorns. He arrived on campus his freshman year in a limo thinking he was the next All Everything, was a smart ass to his coaches, was selfish, pouty, and the prime example of what a “team” player is not. His teammates couldn’t stand him, the fans grew to hate him, and he never won a championship. He was finally benched for a QB that had won the Big 12 player of the year award the year before. You see, he walked onto campus thinking the starting position should be handed to him without competition, and it was. He didn’t bring it to practice everyday, he was quoted in newspapers showing his lack of character, he blamed everyone else when HE had a bad game….Sound familiar? He never EARNED the respect of his teammates, coaches, fans, etc…He too was a spoiled brat. He was nicknamed by everyone “The Golden Child” because that’s what HE thought he was. Funny how the smaller, more competitive QB named Major Applewhite, with less credentials, came to lead them to a Big 12 Championship. Funny how that works isn’t it?
Grow up little boy. Oh, by the way, did I mention that I want you to transfer?
Now, the question is, is that merely smack worthy of Jim Rome, or is that harassment?
I really don't have a dog in this fight. I don't have a hog in this fight, either. Mustain is apparently visiting my school, the University of Oklahoma, in search of a place to transfer. If he comes, great. If he doesn't, I wish him well somewhere else.
This whole thing is such a circus. If you're from Arkansas, you deserve better.
NO... more.... DRAMA!!!
I love Arkansas but right now I a m a little ashamed of the actions of our fans. I hate to say this but I am also ashamed of the actions that the leaders of this program have allowed to continue. I believe that it is time for someone to step up to the plate and lead this program out of the disgrace that it is in. We need to stop beating each other up and pointing fingers. I know that I DON'T know what really happened to cause all of this and will bet my life that 99.999999% of the bashers don't know either. All we are hearing are the ranting and ravings of the malcontent. And we are hearing this because there is no one to lead the troups. If someone in the program (Frank, Houston) would stand up and tell the world what has happened and what is going to happen then this would all die out and the fans would once again rally and unite. Now I'm not stupid, I know that there would be some that will be desinters no matter what happens. But for the most part this soap opera would be over.
I truly appreciate everyone who stops by this blog, and understand the great interest.
I will allow comments here. However, I have turned on the Comment Moderation feature. I will be moderating posts. I only have two rules: No profanity, and no personal attacks. Everyone has a right to be heard.
This is a very sensitive time, and a very sticky situation for all involved.
Once again, thank you for stopping by. Good luck!
Elsewhere in your blog, you referred to our athletic director as a fossil. I must ask that you do not make this mistake again.
we call him Frank of the Ozarks. are you at all familiar with the giant Christ of the Ozarks statue up there around fateville?
I dont have a dog in this fight or a hog; Im a Sooner fan, but I do love a good soap opera. I have two sons close to Mitch's age and they would kill me if I did what his mommy does. And that would be justified.
Thanks for the note. I probably shouldn't call Frank Broyles a fossil. I've refrained from calling him Foghorn Leghorn. He has done a good job during his tenure with the rest of the athletic program at the U of A. He just can't keep his hands off the football program. The school needs to find the right way to get another A.D. before their football program can move forward.
I've been to the Christ of the Ozarks. That is greatness.
I like a good soap opera, also. Unfortunately, we've had our share in Norman.
The Hogs need to get this thing worked out.
Are you following your rules when you called Frank Broyles a "fossil". I think its an insult to senior citizens.
As a lifetime Arkansan, Hog Fan and medical professional, I am appalled by the email sent by Teresa Pruitt. I am hoping that the Physical Therapy Association has reviewed her comments that she made to a young boy that is just starting his life as an adult. Yes, at 18, you are still a child and being his first year away from home, at a school that he loves and wanting to live up to the hype people have put on him, I am only hopeful that this "adults'" comments have not harmed his confidence in himself. This therapist has absolutely no business working with anyone with a sports injury since she obviously cannot treat them with an objective attitude. I truly hope that she has no contact with the UA sports programs. If she does, I fully expect the administration to immediately release her from her duties. No matter how a child performs, there is no reason to speak to him/her in that manner. I expect that from another jealous child but not from an adult and especially not from a Medical Professional. Teresa, you are a disgrace to all of us in the Medical Field and to the rest of Arkansas. Maybe it is you whom should transfer to another place.
I have to ask Ms. Prewitt what she was thinking? In her email to Wally Hall she said that Houston Nutt and his family were off limits right? Why is Houston Nutt and his family so special that nobody can talk about them yet it's open season on Mitch Mustain and his family, as well as the other members of the Springdale crew (I don't agree with personal attacks against any of the involved parties).
Ms. Prewitt, I too am a medical proffessional. I can tell you this: I know one place I will never again send my patients for physical therapy. This decision is not intended to hurt your business but to protect my patients from obtaining services from someone who is prone to vulgar, insulting outbursts with kids. Ms. Prewitt, go to "Starkville." No need to try to remember the way back either since you burned all the bridges on the way.
The moral of this story is: you should really stick to physical therapy because you don't know jack about football or manners.
Ms. Prewitt was like this in School. She was a spoiled brat. Her father was the Principle of the High school. She thought she could play Bball??? Ha! I know the only reason Why she got on the team was "Daddy." About the e-mail sent to this young man. I do agree with one Anonymous writter. I agree she should not be allowed contact with young adults in her profession. If she can't talk with respect and careful consideration for the young person. She needs to keep her mouth closed. I too deal with young and old. You "can not" talk to people like that. I love Arkansas and enjoy seeing the Razorbacks play where I live. God Bless Arkansas.
I personally wish this whole "junior high" drama would just come to end. i think this all started when the springdale guys' mommy's and daddy's came to cry about playing time. damien is the only one i wish would've stayed. he's gonna be a freakin' baller, mitch on the other hand....let's just say the team he transfers too will not be any better for signing him. for the most part,damien made mitch's high school career what it was. but you have to admit, when she compared mitch to simms, she was pretty much dead on. not in all aspects, but it was the same type of situation when mitch arrived. he thinks he is God's gift to football, when in fact he has yet to prove ANYTHING on a college football field. the difference between the teams that springdale faced and the teams he'll face in division I football are night and day different. he seemed a scared little kid out there on the field at most times. and as for his so called winning streak, come on, seriously that is so ridiculous, he DID NOT win those games for us, check his stats for the games, he played mediocre at best. any half way decent QB that can hand the ball off could've won those games.
bleh... it's all so rediculous. this teresa chick is entitled to her opinion and if she wants to send the guy an e-mail she's more than welcome to. i don't think it's harrassment... everyone in any kind of spotlight always has opponents and fans. in the end, i am glad he transferred. i wanted him to transfer the first time i heard about his mother complaining publicly. live your own life and let your children live there's. show them the right direction, support them in their decisions, but let them make their own choices.
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