Indianapolis is blessed with a Super Bowl champion with cool uniforms. That city is also cursed with a basketball team with ugly uniforms.
The Pacers' duds are simply that: dud. The mustard yellow and pinstripes are putrid. They're even worse on the road, when they have pinstripes on top of navy blue. They tried to go old-school when they moved into their new retro arena. It hasn't worked. The arena is great, but the uniforms are not.
Eye-gouge rating: one
Pinstripes are not cool on unis. Including the Pacers and others.
Pinstripes are ok on some baseball uniforms, including the Yankees and the Cubs. I hate the Yankees, but the pinstripes are part of what they are. Some pinstripes are not ok, like when the Cubs wore white pinstripes on a powder blue road uniform in the late 70's.
Pinstripes have no place on any other uniform, especially basketball.
Pinstripes may be part of what the Yanks are, but it is still ugly. It's just not a good look.
Pinstripes are good on some baseball uniforms, like the Yankees and the Cubs, but only in home whites. The Phillies looked ok in them in the 70's and 80's. The Pirates looked ugly with the trimmed gold pinstripes on their white uniforms in the late 70's.
I wouldn't want every team to wear them, and I think the Rangers would look gross in them.
Pinstripes have no place in basketball, for sure. What's wrong with a plain white jersey that says "Indiana" across the top?
What's wrong with a plain white jersey that says "Indiana" across the top?
It don't sell, baby!
Yep, it's all about the Benjamins. Ya gotta be able to move jerseys off the racks.
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