Imagine this: A UUOTD not involving Cleveland or San Diego!
The 1990's were a decade where the NBA's marketing and design people were under the influence of drugs. That can be the only explanation for some of the bad uniforms and designs that the league is only now being purged of. Designs that were supposed to be cute and cool did not withstand any test, much less the test of time. There were some bad, bad looks as the league said goodbye to the great Michael Jordan.
A classic example is what happened to the Detroit Pistons' uniforms, from 1997-2001. The Pistons had a great look, with their blue and white uniforms, with red trim. Somebody in the front office, or in the NBA marketing office, got the bright idea to change the color scheme. So, the Pistons switched to teal, and this goofy horsepower logo. Grant Hill is pictured here with this uniform. A tough team from a tough city like Detroit did not need to be wearing teal.
Also, one of the worst logo designs were the alternate designs with the team initials, such as the "DP" on the shorts. That was so ghey. The Pistons were not the only guilty party on that-see the Utah Jazz and their "UJ" from the 90's.
Not coincidentally, the Pistons were struggling on the court. The team got smart in this decade, and switched back to blue and red. A championship soon followed.
Teal was a bad, bad look for the Pistons.
The blue is pretty, but that logo sucks.
A team such as the Charlotte-New Orleans-Oklahoma City Hornets can get away with teal, since they've always worn it. Detroit had no business wearing it.
The horsepower logo was ugly. Even worse was that "DP" thing. Those alternate logos drove me nuts.
Those exhaust pipes on that logo were pretty bad, also.
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