We turn back the clock to 1972 for today's Ugly Uniform of the Day.
The San Diego Padres, for the first ten years of their existence, were a bad baseball team. They also had bad uniforms to match.
This 1973 Topps baseball card shows an action shot of the '72 Padres at an empty San Diego (later Jack Murphy and Qualcomm) Stadium. The Padres have a legacy of bad uniforms, but these are the worst. They look like cheeseburger wrappers. Which makes sense, since McDonald's founder Ray Kroc bought the team in 1974. The hats are ugly, the jerseys are ugly, and the pants are ugly. These are better to be forgotten, except for comic relief.
This is not the first time for the Padres to have the UUOTD, nor will it be the last.
Eye-gouge rating: Two
I think this was back when they had the farm team known as the greatness of the Hawaii Islanders. Back in the day of Tony Gwynn.
Yes, it was when they had their farm club in Hawaii.
These unis are pre-Tony Gwynn, probably even before he was at San Diego State.
Yeah, we didn't live in Hawaii until 74 and he came after that. He was greatness. He and Mitchell (I think) made the Islanders so aweseome - of course they got swept up to the majors after that. That's the way it goes.
I hope the Islanders didn't have unis this bad.
Minor league baseball is the Great Game in its purest form (next to spring training). I grew up going to minor league games, and didn't go to a major league game until I was 19. I thought the Oklahoma City 89ers were awesome. I didn't think of them as spare minor leaguers trying to scrap to get to the big club in Philadelphia.
Here's the greatness of Tony Gwynn. The uni may be worse than that Padres fiasco.
I loved the Hawaii Islanders and that's about all we had except for UH sports, wrestling (Russ Francis and his dad? and brother all wrestled at one time), and roller derbys. Yeehaw!
I didn't see a MLB game until I was 18 and it was the Red Sox v. the Rangers.
Those Hawaii Islanders unis were bad, but I was expecting something worse, like some kind of rainbow-striped thing with flowers or something. That looked pretty normal for 1982.
I bet it was made of polyester, too.
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