Yesterday brought the official news: the Ballpark is the Ballpark once again. The Rangers severed sponsorship ties with Ameriquest Mortgage Company, taking the Ameriquest name off the Temple. It will now be called something not quite as ghey: Rangers Ballpark in Arlington.
It is welcome news to have the Ameriquest name off of the Temple. However, what is wrong with calling it by its original, classic name: The Ballpark in Arlington? People associate that name with the Rangers. More importantly, people associate that with better days of the franchise, when they won three division championships in four years. That's something sneered at in places like New York and St. Louis, but those are the halcyon days of yore for the traditionally mediocre Rangers.
I've liked the Rangers since I was a little boy, listening to games on the 50,000 watt blowtorch, WBAP (they need to be back on that station, by the way) on a transistor radio. I've put up with a lot of bad and mediocre baseball from them. At least Cubs fans get teased with thoughts of a championship. Rangers fans do not. Our team traditionally sucks, especially under the Tom Hicks ownership. Or, if it doesn't suck, it's at least mediocre.
I digress. This is a good move. Hopefully, there will be improvement on the field, as well.
That's exactly what I thought! Why not go back to The Ballpark at Arlington?
The Hardline had the Rangers' president on yesterday and that dude said that they wanted to have the RANGERS name first and foremost for everyone to see when they have Glory Road or whatever that area is going to be called. They asked him if money passed and he couldn't comment. The Snake even asked if the deal was because Ameriquest was in so much trouble. The prez was totally diplomatic, of course.
Now, if they would have named it the Temple, I would have been on board fully. The first time my mom was back and we were driving by the Ballpark I told her, "There's the Temple," and continued to tell her the proper name for that place. ;)
It's pretty sad when you have a major league baseball team, and you have to be worried about your "brand". Right now, their "brand" is soiling the name of that great ballpark. Not nearly as bad as Ameriquest did, but they need to improve the product on the field.
Everyone going to Jerryworld, Glory Road, the General Motors plant, and the strip clubs off 360 knows who plays in the Ballpark. They don't need to advertise the "brand".
Bring back The Ballpark in Arlington!
Oh, yeah, everyone going to Six Flags knows how plays at the Ballpark, as well.
I wish the Astros and the Rangers could trade owners.
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