Nike makes a good shoe. Their influence is worldwide. They didn't become the world's largest athletic shoe manufacturer by accident. They finance college athletic departments to the tune of millions of dollars per year.
As good as their shoes are, they have room for improvement in their uniform designs. The company is based in Oregon, and founder Phil Knight is a benefactor of his alma mater, the University of Oregon. UO has made multiple appearances in this blog for their ugly uniforms. Now, it's their archrival's turn.
Oregon State is rolling out these funky new uniforms next year. They don't have psychedelic helmets, but they have a lot of different combinations of orange and black with these. The orange jersey on the left is particularly glaring. With the stripes and font, these look weird. I read a message board where they were compared with bikinis.
The "Civil War" between UO and OSU-West will be interesting this year. Who knows what kind of uniform combinations will be rolled out that day. Deep within the bowels of Nike headquarters, there is a happy mad scientist.
What the heck is up with poor Oregon (or Organ as one of my students spells that state ;) and their college unis? Still, I'd take that football uni over A&M's any day!
The mad scientist deep within the bowels of Nike headquarters is what is wrong with the state of Oregon and their uniforms. Nike gives both schools a lot of money, so they also determine what they'll wear.
You would think that Oregon State would use a totally different supplier, since Nike is joined at the hip with the Ducks. But, proximity counts for something, and Nike is still based in Oregon.
A&M's uni isn't bad, until they wear their maroon pants with the white jersey on the road. Then, it clashes a little.
Any aggie uni is bad.
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