Nike has thrown some really hideous uniforms out there in the last few years. Perhaps their most infamous unis were worn on only one weekend in 2005.
Both Florida and Virginia Tech wore orange on one shoulder of these home jerseys. These met with such outrage that neither school dared to wear them again. Nike was so embarrassed that they did not dare to try this with any other school.
These are awful. Eye-gouge rating: Two
(note: the VT player being pile-driven by guys from the "U" is no relation to the author of this blog)
The orange shoulder color with the contrasting dark uni is not bad. This just shows, yet again, your ugly prejudice towards all things orange.
Now, those all white unis are hideous and I'm not a fan of the blue v. red unis because it looks too elementary.
Stop the hatin', JD!
It doesn't have anything to do with orange, as it would be just as bad in red. It's about unevenness. If one shoulder is orange, the other one should be, also.
I like the all-white uniform. I just don't like the "U".
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