Wyoming has some redeeming qualities. It has lots of wide open spaces, lots of pastures and mountains, and fewer people than the city of Fort Worth. It is a place where the Wild West still exists.
There is only one university in the entire state: the University of Wyoming in Laramie. There is no Wyoming State, Wyoming Tech, or Wyoming A&M. Nor is there a Northwestern Wyoming State University, or a Dick Cheney State University.
The Cowboys have some ugly colors: brown and gold. For their sake, I wish they didn't have colors that looked like the land.
These football uniforms are just plain ugly. Sports Illustrated recently gave them a ranking of the second ugliest uniform in college football, right behind Oregon. If they played a home game in the mud, we'd barely know it, because the mud would blend right in with the uniform.
The good people of Wyoming deserve better.
The reason I like these unis is because they are unique, like the fine state of Wyoming, and they aren't as ugly as UH's. ;)
Unique is a good word for these. Where I come from, unique is a diplomatic and nice word for weird.
University of Hawaii? You're dogging on the creation of the great June Jones?
Yes, the Uni. of Hawaii. The green and orange rainbow warriors that I grew up with were a bit scary. I have a bunch of friends who are from Wyoming, so I have to stick up for them ... just like I stick up for my OU friends. ;)
That's why I say that the good people of Wyoming deserve better than what they're getting with these threads.
At least the U of H has done away with the multiple colors, as June Jones changed the name of the football team to the Warriors, and removed the rainbow colors. Though the name Rainbow has cultural and historical connotations in Hawaii, Jones wanted to distance from the rainbow, as the homosexual movement has co-opted the rainbow as their own. Now, the Hawaii football team wears green, black, and white.
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