I have been accused of playing favorites with ugly uniforms. Yes, I have been known to throw schools and teams under the bus that I don't like. However, today, I am forced to attack a school and program that I love.
The University of Oklahoma men's basketball team came out in these gray uniforms on Wednesday night against the University of Tulsa. This is a fashion no-no. The Sooners' colors are crimson and cream. They wear white in place of cream. Gray is not their color. The Sooners looked like Ohio State. Now I wish they could recruit like Ohio State, as the Buckeyes rode two NBA lottery picks to the national championship game last year. However, gray is a no-no. Gray is the color of the Confederate army and Ohio State. It is not the color of the Sooners.
Sooners, stick to crimson and cream. Please. For all of us.
It's not that it's like eye-gouging ugly, but it's just BLEAH.
I think their red would look much more sharp.
They'll still wear red on the road. They usually wear white at home. They broke this gray out just for the heck of it.
The uniform isn't that ugly in and of itself. If Ohio State wore it, it would be fine. And, it's better than a black uniform. But, I have a problem with schools or teams wearing colors that are not theirs. So, OU gets UUOTD. They need to stick with crimson and white, or the official crimson and cream.
If cream is their color, and you are OK with them wearing white, then you shouldn't have a problem with grey either. Personally, I don't think they look that bad. Don't diss them for wearing a color that isn't their color, when the color they usually wear isn't their color either. LOL
White is closer to cream than gray is to white, cream, or red.
I think white is as close to cream as grey is. The thing with the grey is it looks dingy and bleah. They shouldn't wear it and it's about time you dogged the Sooners for once (even though you stayed away from anything football ;).
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