Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ugly Uniform of the Day

The West Virginia Mountaineers have been doing some funky things with their uniforms this season. They have mixed and matched all forms of white, blue, and gold.

This combination they wore last week against Mississippi State is putrid. They need to keep the gold jerseys in the closet. They look better in blue at home and white on the road. The font used for the numbers looks like something out of Star Trek.

Nike has opened up a big can of worms with this style.


Zee said...

Is that Michigan? ;)

Looks the same to me.

John said...

That is West Virginia. It's the Cal uni with some white trim and the funky number font.


Zee said...

I know it's WV, but it looks like MI to me ... save the helmet. I like the design on the pants. It's much better than the Broncos pants/shirt combo.

John said...

West Virginia needs to wear blue. The gold jersey doesn't fit them.

Zee said...

I know! Who wants to look like Michigan? ;)