I've had a nomination for UUOTD. They nominated Virginia Tech's football uniform. The person has told me that purple and orange don't go together. VT wears maroon, but I can see where their maroon can look purple. The Hokies' uniforms don't look too bad, as long as they leave the orange out. But, when they start putting too much orange on, they start looking bad. The worst was the Nike test jersey, with one orange shoulder. VT and Florida both did that, but it went over like a lead balloon.
However, the suggestion reminded me of something in the same conference. Clemson mixes and matches their orange, white, and purple. They look fine in orange or white. They start looking scary in the purple. Above is the worst combination of them all, with the purple jersey and orange pants. My friend is right: Purple and orange do not go together. Please, Clemson, keep the purple put away.
Would Danny Ford let his team wear purple?
You can call what VaTech wore the other night maroon all you want, but it wasn't.
This is maroon from the crayola web site. And that is NOT what VaTech was wearing.
Actually, that uniform looks a little brown. That looks even worse than purple with orange.
I have a maroon (no orange) VT sweatshirt. I know their color is maroon. Maybe they're maroon like OU is cream. OU's official color is cream, but they wear white. Anyway, what they are wearing in that picture does not go with orange. It's ugly.
The orange has got to go.
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