Last week: 1-1 Playoff picks: 7-3
Sunday is the big event of the year, Super Bowl XLI, between the Decatur Staleys and the Dallas Texans. Oops, I mean the Chicago Bears and the Indianapolis Colts. The Bears began in Decatur, Illinois, before moving to Chicago, as described here. The Colts began in Dallas, before the original Dallas Texans franchise was relocated to Baltimore in 1952. This is a different Texans franchise from the one which became the Kansas City Chiefs. A detailed history of the pre-Indy Colts can be found at Descendants of the Mayflower.
The Secretary of State/Commissioner wannabe has weighed in, with her pick of the Colts.
The Bears have rolled through a mediocre NFC, with a pedestrian offense and a great defense. The Bears' defense has had a couple of key injuries, and they have allowed more points since DT Tommie Harris was lost for the season.
The Colts have won three games in the AFC playoffs, and are in their first Super Bowl since moving to Naptown. Peyton Manning answered all the critics by leading the Colts to a comeback win over New England in the AFC championship game, after being down 21-3. The Colts have a great offense and a serviceable defense. The Colts' defense won two playoff games for them, after being asleep for most of the season.
I think the Colts are a better team. It's hard for me to figure if they win in a blowout, or if they win in a close game. Pick: Colts 34, Bears 20
I pick the Colts, but I think it will be much closer and won't be surprised if it swings the other way.
Colts 33
Bears 30
I agree, I don't think it'll be a low-scoring game. I think it'll be close most of the way, but the Colts will pull it out at the end.
Rex Grossman may very well throw a TD pass to the Colts.
Poor Rex. I really feel bad for him. I mean, he's on a Superbowl playing team, but he's the Rodney Dangerfield of all present quarterbacks. I don't think it's fair to him or his team.
p.s. It wouldn't surprise me if he did throw that pass you talked about ;)
Poor Gross Rexman? LOL At least he's not Trent Dilfer.
Actually, Rex has shown flashes of brilliance this year, and the Bears are better with him than they were last year without him.
He can be an interception machine, though, and he's no Peyton Manning.
Miami should not be allowed to have a SuperBowl if they don't have a dome. The SuperBowl should not be played like this. Playoff games, yes. SuperBowl, no.
I missed the whole first half, btw. :(
I agree. The rain has not been helpful to either team. The weather has been a mess the whole game. A game like the Super Bowl does not need nor deserve to be affected by the weather.
More importantly, this hasn't been good for the sponsors of the NFL, who control most of the corporate tickets and use them for business purposes. It's hard to entertain clients in the slop.
Right now, this knocks two cities out of the Super Bowl rotation: Miami and Tampa. San Diego won't get another one until they get a new stadium, Los Angeles won't get one until they get a team, and the NFL's not going back to Jacksonville with a SB.
Which leaves Phoenix, Houston, Atlanta, Jerryworld, the new stadium in Indy, and Detroit, among others. New Orleans isn't ready yet.
Looks like the Super Bowl may be coming to Texas a lot in the future.
Of course, the NFL will probably go ahead and give Miami another Super Bowl. It is a great place to have one, but monsoons like tonight are always a possibility there.
As much of a total beating as it would be to have the Super Bowl here, I think it would be much better than the crap they had to play in tonight. Miami shouldn't get it this much anyway ... just because they have so many strip clubs.
Miami has South Beach, which for the cool people is a big advantage over other cities. But, it's Miami.
The Super Bowl is just too big a game and too big an event to take chances with any weather problems. I like to watch games in the snow, rain, mud, and slop as much as anyone. But this is different, because it's for a championship.
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